Monday, February 16, 2009

Clockwork Orange

WOW! The clips from Clockwork Orange was quite different from any movie I've watched before. While not a movie I would seek to watch, it was definitely interesting. The music, sex, violence, and artistic creativity in every seen was overwhelming. It came across as a little strange and obscure for my liking, but there were some cool scenes. The film techniques used to capture the color and shapes were also intriguing. Also, the re-emergence of the singing in the rain scene was interesting. I always find it clever when a new film or piece of artwork references a classic. This happens all the time in movies, music, or nearly any form of art. While I much prefered the origninal singing in the rain, it was amazing how Clockwork Orange took an otherwise passive and calm song and turned into into an anthem for violence. Times had most certainly changed from the time of the original to the Clockwork Orange scene. The VW use of Singing in the Rain that we watched online was very entertaining. It was a great use of modern technology to re-make an iconic movie scene.

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