Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Xerox Projejct- "So Fly"

This is the Xerox Project for class. The assignment was challenging for a few reasons: 1. It is slightly awkward walking into a library or office and starting to xerox your body; 2. Trying to come up with an idea that takes your body and transorms it into a new image. Eventually, my inspiration for this design was a skull and crossbones. I then had the idea to use images of my hands to create wings. The wings definitely were my favorite part of the project.  

Friday, March 20, 2009

Made in America

Here is my Grid Art project. The hardest part of this project for me was coming up with an idea. I really wanted to stay with the technique of finding a natural grid then transforming it rather than making a grid. In the end, I made an American flag out of a grid used to ship water bottles.  It was supposed to wave, but the filler paper and a glue stopped all of the motion. So here it is, "Made in America".

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Christina Nguyen Hung

Christina Hung's presentation and art are very interesting. She came across as a curious artist who is constantly changing her focus and artforms. I enjoyed the fact that all of her personal beliefs on politics and life came through in her work. Her view on the war, immigration, and other issues were made very clear. I also like the way that she is always looking for a new way to express her art and working with scientists to perfect new media for her art. I always respect artists who strive for innovation.